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What is Fortnite?

Fortnite is the 3rd person shooter everyone knows, there is 2 modes the Battle Royale and Save the World. Battle Royale is where there is modes like solo, duos, trios, squads, different ltms, and creative. In Save the World you fight zombies and save the world from zombies and you help the humans. Fortnitee was a really popular game and everyone you know played the game everyday and every moment they got. But now a little less people play it and it is still running its seasons.

Battle Royale

Battle Royale is one of the two gamemodes in Fortnite. In Battle Royale you have 4 gamemodes of 100 players. Each gamemode is different because the ammount of team members change, there is solo which is you vs. 99 other players. Duos is you and another team mate vs 49 other teams of 2. In trios its you and 2 other people vs 33 other teams, in squads its you and 3 other people vs 25 other teams. Your goal is to be the last one standing and kill the other rank up on kills. Your wins are recorded so you know how much you have and there is a win leaderboard. There is creative mode in which you can create maps with things you like like 1v1's, practice courses, build maps with creations. There are extra modes once in a while which are called LTM's which are released weekly or every update and they change, they have different modes so it doesn't get boring.

Save the World

Save the world is another gamemode in Fortnite which is way different from the Battle Royale version of the game. In Save the World there is zombies, first the zombies try to get in the base you make and you have to try to destroy them. In other missions you try to svae people from the zombbies because either the people get cornered or they get trapped while hiding. The missions get harder as you go on, there is a lot of missions so it will take you some time to finish it all. You have to buy Save the World and unlike Battle Royale it is not free and you have to buy it for a price. After you buy it once you have it now, as you complete missions and level up. You get cosmetics like skins, pickaxes, and v-buxks (fortnite in game currency.)

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